Friday, June 26, 2009

Love to Hear This Boy Talk

So K. is cracking me up with all the stuff he says. I love it when he breaks out with an occasional "awesome" just in everyday play. Do I really use this word that much??? I love this age-- when they are learning how to talk. He also has now started using the more coloquial "yeah" instead of "yes" and he says it nice and slow, like he has some great control of the situation. He whispers often. I have never heard of a child that whispers without being incessantly reminded. We will have to see if it continues...

Of course all this talking creates frustration when he asks for a game, cookie, fruit snacks, me and it doesn't fit into the schedule yet. "If she knows exactly what I want, why isn't she getting it for me, NOW?"

He just came in with a baggie asking for goldfish and I said, "what do you say when you want something?" He looks at me with his cute sideways eyes and I say "Goldfish, PLEASE...?" To which he replies, "Okay." So much for being polite today... ;)

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