Friday, June 5, 2009

Thanks for the Donation

So I looked everywhere for a picture of my Uncle Benny and I am sorry to say that I don't have one that isn't a blurry one sent by Grandma T. from long ago. But I had to post about this...

My uncle has been on an oxygen tank for a while now and if you are picturing him a little old, feeble man, you are wrong. He is a hysterical, vibrant personality. That is the only way to describe him, "personality'. He has been on a lung transplant list and finally, on Wednesday, he got the call.

"The Call"-- the one that brings hope, comfort and happiness to my family, but somewhere, another family is feeling loss and sorrow. Hopefully, they can have some comfort in the fact that I am sure more than one family was blessed by the donation. And their loved one lives on in someway. Hopefully, they have a faith in life after this one. Where their loved one will see those that have gone before and dwell in the presence of God.

I have a greater desire to be an organ donor since my family has been blessed this way. I wish I could say "thank you" to the other family, but that seems so inadequate. I wish there were words in the English language that held more weight. Even my post title seems shallow. But because of you, my uncle can remain a vibrant personality. His wife, children, grandchildren, siblings, nieces, nephews and parents can laugh at another joke and share his smiles. So THANK YOU for that and I wish you peace and comfort as you part from your loved one. Know that we recognize the bittersweet moment this is.

And for all of us- Check to see what you need to do so you can be an organ donor. In my state, you have to send in some paperwork. But I have also heard that it is very important that your loved ones know of your wishes, so since you won't be here to say "yes", they will know.

And to Benny- Here's to a long life! Love you!


  1. Brayden and I were just talking about this a week ago (before we even heard the good news) and how sad it is that most people can't part with their organs AFTER they are dead. It seems like such a waste to let them rot away when so many lives can be saved. So just for the record Brayden and I are organ donors... so when the time comes there should be no dispute, this is what I want.

  2. Wonderfully written, Amy! Organ donation is an amazing thing and in the heart of tragedy, re-birth can happen for someone else. I'm so glad you are blogging and I can catch up w/ your world.
