Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Little Monkeys

So here they are... my boys. My husband's family seems to only make boy grandkids. (11 out of 12 are boys.) But at this point, I am not sure I know what to do with a girl anyway. A. is 6 and almost finished with 1st grade- 3 1/2 more days to be exact. And he is sure to be exact on this point! G. is almost 4 and keeps me on my toes. They are both starting swim lessons and I should already apologize to his future swim instructor and preschool teacher. He has a very strong will that I hope will serve him well as a teenager (as long as his will is the same as mine, I guess!). Then K. is 18 months, old enough for nursery at church. Which means I am officially in charge of ALL of them 7 days a week. (I am in charge of all the kids at church 18 months- 11 yrs. old.) They love to wrestle, argue, yell, squirt water, spit, and all other boy-approved activities. I will leave some of those to your imagination and purposely overlook sharing them in blogland... But they keep my life entertaining, joyful, full, challenging, and truly blessed. Some days I can't believe that I am in charge of the health and well-being of 3 kids, but I certainly couldn't imagine (more less, remember) my life without them.

And for the record, G. wanted the pic posted of him in his Batman costume. Oh, yeah. I'm also very well-versed on superheroes, villians, and how each came into their powers. I am also getting good at throwing superhero parties. Comes with the territory, I guess.

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